Many of you - who did not yet! - are using Socrative, the easy to use web solution
on to create quick polls, quizzes for a class, where students can use
any device (laptop, mobile, iPad etc.) to answer the questions.
If you want a bit more than just a quick polling, there are now 2 more - pretty advanced - solutions to go for,
NearPod and LectureTools. Both are free (as is Socrative), and allow to create (or use existing)
rich lesson content. Students can add notes and opinions, and you can test their skills.
NearPod ("Design enriched multimedia presentations and course materials with the Nearpod Content Tool – simply upload a pdf and add interactive features such as quizzes, polls, videos, drawing activities and more"
Nearpod uses a 4 step tool set:

"LectureTools is a student response system that also allows students to take notes linked with the slides and videos presented in class, answer instructor generated questions and pose questions to the instructor. All notes, questions and activities are instantly synchronized with the LectureTools web application. It could be used as an advanced "clicker system"
Somebody states: "iPads in class: now it's a no-brainer"
Well, we are getting there, no doubt. It is still a teacher who needs to create the content,
and those new tools have not developed any sharing facilities yet. Socrative allows
to share tests and quizzes, but there is no search function. Let's keep mentioning that
to those developers. Teachers want to collaborate too!
Marcel Ideler
Chadwick International
IT Integration